+20 years of research

Brad Pitt's beauty secret finally revealed

Anti-aging treatments that really work

+96% ingredients of natural origin

Made in Provence, France

Proven results - Tested under dermatological control

Anti-aging treatments that really work

A co-creation between Brad Pitt & the Perrin Family

It all started with a meeting

Creating a cosmetics brand was Brad Pitt's dream. With the Perrin family and researchers, they began to develop products. Beau Domaine was born when Brad saw concrete results on his skin.

Designed by researchers Pr. Levy and Pr. Tessedre

It's not a skincare brand like any other. Our products combine 20 years of research and 2 exclusive active ingredients:

  • GSM10® to fight oxidative stress

  • PROGR3® to counter progerin toxicity

It all started with a meeting

Creating a cosmetics brand was Brad Pitt's dream. With the Perrin family and researchers, they began to develop products. Beau Domaine was born when Brad saw concrete results on his skin.

Designed by researchers Pr. Levy and Pr. Tessedre

It's not a skincare brand like any other. Our products combine 20 years of research and 2 exclusive active ingredients:

  • GSM10® to fight oxidative stress

  • PROGR3® to counter progerin toxicity

Brad Pitt uses the 3-step ritual

The only anti-aging treatment you need

-10% on Brad Pitt's routine

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BEAU Domaine skincare anti-AGING treatments

1. the cleansing emulsion

To prepare and cleanse the skin

The Cleansing emulsion

Gentle Antioxidant Facial Cleanser

Purifying, hydrating and refreshing

Soft for the skin

Enriched with antioxidants

I try the cleansing emulsion

2. The Serum

For a boosting and plumping effect

The serum

Anti-aging global antioxidant

Boosted, plumps and smoothes the face, neck
and the outline eyes,

Two drops are enough

I try the serum

3. The Cream

For a nourishing and protective effect



Reduced wrinkles and fine lines

Skin fed and comfortable

Texture in whipped cream

I try the cream

1. the cleansing emulsion

To prepare and cleanse the skin

The Cleansing emulsion

Gentle Antioxidant Facial Cleanser

Purifying, hydrating and refreshing

Gentle on the skin

Enriched with antioxidants

Discover the cleansing emulsion

2. The Serum

For a boosting and plumping effect

The serum

⁣⁢‍‍‌​​‍​‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‍​‌‌​‌‌‍​‌‍​​​‌​‍‍‌​​‌‍​‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌​A concentrated formula for a boost effect and overall anti-aging efficacy, today and tomorrow

Boosts, plumps and smoothes the face, neck
and the eye area,

Two drops are enough

Discover the serum

3. Cream

For a nourishing and protective action


Anti-aging, antioxidant radiance booster

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

Nourished and comfortable skin

Rich whipped cream effect texture

Discover the cream

1. the cleansing emulsion

To prepare and cleanse the skin

The Cleansing emulsion

Gentle Antioxidant Facial Cleanser

Purifying, hydrating and refreshing

Gentle on the skin

Enriched with antioxidants

Discover the cleansing emulsion

2. The Serum

For a boosting and plumping effect

The serum

⁣⁢‍‍‌​​‍​‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‍​‌‌​‌‌‍​‌‍​​​‌​‍‍‌​​‌‍​‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌​A concentrated formula for a boost effect and overall anti-aging efficacy, today and tomorrow

Boosts, plumps and smoothes the face, neck
and the eye area,

Two drops are enough

Discover the serum


For a nourishing and protective action

Anti-aging, antioxidant radiance booster

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

Nourished and comfortable skin

Rich whipped cream effect texture

Discover the cream

Concrete and proven results

97% of testers

noticed that their skin was clear and fresh, while being respected thanks to The Cleansing Emulsion.

97% of testers

feel that their skin is smoother with The Serum

94% of testers

found their skin smoother and more comfortable, with The Cream

4.9/5 with 530 comments (including one from Brad)

Improvements in days, compliments for weeks

I really saw a difference

“It was proven while we were doing the testing last year,” I used this treatment. And to my surprise, I really saw a difference.”


Brad Pitt

Great experience

"I loved it! I've seen a real difference since I started using the cream, and I'm definitely considering trying the other products."



very pleasant smell and texture

"I observed more than positive changes in terms of hydration, softness and reduction in redness after just 2 weeks. I switched to Le Domaine for all my skin care. I highly recommend it. "


Elizabeth H.

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10% discount when purchasing La Routine

The Routine in 3 steps: The Cleansing Emulsion, The Serum and The Cream

Test Brad's routine

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Offer more and save

10% discount when purchasing La Routine

The Routine in 3 steps: The Cleansing Emulsion, The Serum and The Cream

Test Brad's routine

Free international delivery

From the land to the skin

Grapes have astonishing virtues for fight against oxidative stress, major cause of skin aging.

Using a Beau Domaine treatment means benefiting from more than 20 years of research on skin aging, applied to grapes.

Products from science and research

Offer lasting radiant skin

Thanks to the two active ingredients GSM10 and PROGR3, present exclusively in Beau Domaine treatments

GSM10®: FIGHT AGAINST OXIDATIVE STRESS and promotes skin balance

- Fight against oxidation at the cellular level and balances the microbiome

- From revalued grape marc. exclusive Le Domaine .

- 10+ years of research by Prof. Tesseidre on the active ingredients of the Perrin Family vines

Progr3®: fights against progerin toxicity

- Reduces harmful effects progerin, which causes cell aging

- Formulated from plant extracts like vine branches, chamomile and green tea.

- 20 years of research by Professor Lévy on progeria, a rare disease of premature aging, the mechanisms of which are also at work in natural aging.


Grapes have remarkable properties to fight against oxidative stress, the main cause of skin aging.

Using Beau Domaine products means benefit from more than 20 years of research on skin aging, applied to grapes.


Grapes have remarkable properties to fight against oxidative stress, the main cause of skin aging.

Using Le Domaine products means benefit from more than 20 years of research on skin aging, applied to grapes.

“The serum is 99% natural, created in France, and contains two patented active compounds that studies show slow the signs of aging.”

“Formulated with grape water and concentrated in GSM10 and PROGR3, this detoxifying and unifying fluid cream aims to make the skin more toned and firm.”

“This French anti-wrinkle treatment has been voted “best moisturizing serum in the world” by experts”

Add the best, remove the rest

At Beau Domaine , we are very strict on the composition of the products.

We want what's best for your skin.

All of the following ingredients will never be present in our treatments:

Preservatives (parabens, BHA and BHT...)

Animal or animal-derived ingredients

Mineral & synthetic oils

Sulfated surfactants

Micro plastics



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